Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

By means of our website, we always wish to provide our visitors with the latest information that is relevant for them. Based on knowing what our visitors are interested in and what they are looking for on our website, we can offer them the right content. We never forward data to third persons and we never monitor visitors as individuals, but completely anonymously.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are saved by most websites onto the devices with which users access the internet. Saving cookies is fully controlled by users, as they can restrict or disable the saving of cookies in the browser that they use.

Types of cookies

Necessary cookies
This type of enables you to use the necessary components for the proper operation of a website. Without them, the services that you wish to use on this website would not operate properly (e.g. registration, the shopping process etc.).

Experiential cookies
This type collects data on how users behave on a website with the purpose of improving the experiential component of the website (e.g. which sections of the website are most frequently visited). These cookies do not collect information through which a user could be identified.

Functional cookies
Such cookies enable a website to remember some of your settings and choices (e.g. user name, language, region) and provide advanced and personalised functions. Such cookies may enable the tracking of your activities on a website.

Targeted advertising cookies
Such cookies are most frequently used by advertising and social networks (third pages) with the purpose of showing targeted advertisements, restricting recurring advertisements, or measuring the effectiveness of advertising agencies. Such cookies may enable the tracking of your activities online.

Why are cookies necessary?

Cookies are used by most websites, as they enable a convenient way of keeping content fresh, appropriate and in accordance with the interests and preferences of online users. Based on statistical data concerning website traffic, which is also provided by cookies, website administrators may assess the effectiveness of the website concept as well as the suitability of the type and number of advertisements offered to users.

List of cookies

Source Name Where is located? Purpose Duration
Visit Maribor sto, stons, stocb, selectedLocale, sto_da All pages which request login, enable login to e-newsletter or enable adding content among favourites. Used for normal operation of a website (login in business pages, popular content, sign up for e-newsletter, selecting a language) 2 months to 5 years
Google Analytics _ga All pages. Page views statistics 2 years
YouTube PREF, use_hitbox, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, YSC Pages with embedded YouTube videos These cookies are downloaded when a video is viewed or shared. They estimate available bandwidth, increment hit counter and enable video sharing. 1 day to 5 years
AddThis bt, di, dt, __atuvc, psc, uid, uit, xtc All websites that allow users to share content via different social media. Cookies that allow users to share content via email or different social media (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest etc.). These cookies are not downloaded when you open our website. If they are on the user’s device our website reads them and recognises whether the user is currently registered in the selected network. 1 month to 2 years PAC, SRT, TACds, TART, TASSK, TASession, TATravelInfo, TAUD, TAUnique All pages with the TripAdvisor plugin. Used for the needs of the Trip Advisor website. (more ...) 1 month to 2 years
Facebook datf, fr, lu All pages. Used for the needs of user statistics from Facebook and for segmentation and advertising campaigns on Facebook 3 months to 1 year
Doubleclick bku, bkdc, id, TapAd_DID, TapAd_TS, SEUNCY All pages. Advertising cookie used for tailored marketing on Google.  
Net results _mauuid All pages. Used for distinguishing users. 10 years
Shop Visit Maribor laravel_session All pages where reservations are located. User session on website 2 hours or to the end of session
Shop Visit Maribor XSRF-TOKEN All pages where reservations are located. This cookie is written to help with the protection of the website in preventing forging attacks among different sites. 2 hours or to the end of session
Shop Visit Maribor PH_HPXY_CHECK All pages where reservations are located. Session cookie. Cookies necessary for basic page operation. Your consent is required. 2 hours or to the end of session
Shop Visit Maribor PHPSESSID All pages where reservations are located. PHP session of the entire site. 1 year
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