Story of benches and people

Story of benches and people

The Story of benches and people project has been weaving a narrative through Maribor's streets with its collection of unique benches.

Maribor: The city where benches tell stories

Strolling through the streets of Maribor, one encounters not just people but also stories, each etched into a unique bench that adorns the city like a gem. These are not mere places to rest, but rather works of art that revive memories and invite gatherings.

A group of passionate Maribor residents meticulously selected corners rich in history and hidden gems, transforming them into homes for these extraordinary benches. Each one is unique, handcrafted with love and imagination.

This project goes far beyond simply placing benches; it's a symphony of art, culture, and active citizenship. Each bench serves as a bridge between the past, present, and future, inviting conversations, connections, and the creation of new memories.

Unique gathering spaces

This project remarkably enriches Maribor's public space. With its innovative approach, it harmoniously blends art, culture, and a social dimension, creating unique corners for encounters and gatherings.

It serves as a living testament to how creativity and collaboration among diverse stakeholders within a city can yield remarkable outcomes. Simultaneously, it stands as a shining example of how non-profit endeavors can impact the community and contribute to a more connected and culturally rich society.

Project Management and Organization Team:

  • Liljana Jarh (Team Leader)
  • mag. Dika Vranc
  • Jože Kos Grabar
  • Zlatko Fišer – Fiš
  • Zora A. Jurič
  • Lea Zinauer

Embark on a stroll through Maribor and uncover the tales woven into these unique benches

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