Hiking the Three Hills: Kalvarija-Mestni vrh-Piramida

Meeting Point for the Hike:

  • POP-UP House of the Oldest Grapevine in the Minorites, Vojašniški trg 2a, 2000 Maribor


  • 5.00 EUR per person


Hikers will meet at the POP-UP House of the Oldest Vine in the Minorites, Vojašniški trg 2a, 2000 Maribor. From there, the route will take them through Glavni trg and Slomškov trg to Kavarna Kalvarija. Continuing past the Škofijska gimnazija, hikers will ascend the Kalvarija (via steps) to the small church and then on to Gostilna Anderlič. Next, they will climb to Mestni vrh, descend into Mestni park, and then make a final ascent to the Piramida. The hike will conclude with a descent through the vineyards to Mestni park, passing by the Tourist Information Center and across Trg Leona Štuklja, before returning to the starting point at the POP-UP House of the Oldest Vine in the Minorites.

Mandatory pre-registration is required, either online or on the day of the hike at the POP-UP House of the Oldest Grapevine in the Minorites.

POP-UP House of the Oldest Grapevine in the Minorites, Vojašniški trg 2a, 2000 Maribor 
T: +386 51 335 521

Hiking the Three Hills: Kalvarija-Mestni vrh-Piramida

A guided hike through three hills, led by two experienced guides.

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