Market of Slovenian delicacies and outdoor brunch

Our very best for you! Join us for an outdoor brunch!

On Friday, September 29 and Saturday, September 30, you are invited to culinary delights and delicious experiences at the Market of Slovenian delicacies in the main square of Maribor.

Local delicatessen providers from all over Slovenia will present themselves in one place and put on sale products with certificates confirming their tradition, quality and sustainability.

The Maribor College of Catering and Tourism will be preparing dishes from ingredients certified with the Our Best brand at the market.

Don't miss the workshops for children and adults, and there will also be a music programme.

Market opening hours: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.


  • between 11.00 and 17.00 "live cooking" with Our Best products.
  • between 12.00 and 13.30 musical performance.
  • 29.9. at 16.00 awarding of certificates of the collective brand Our Best.
  • between 16.00 and 17.00 musical performance.

*In case of bad weather the market will be cancelled.


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