POP-UP House of the Oldest Grapevine x Minorites: Wine Evenings

Wine evenings at the temporary home of the House of the Oldest Grapevine - at Minoriti!

Due to renovation, the House of the Oldest Grapevine at Vojašniška 8 will be closed from July 2024. However, this doesn't mean you have to miss out on exceptional wine experiences!

We invite you to the temporary home of the House of the Oldest Grapevine in the Cultural Quarter Minoriti, at Vojašniški trg, where we offer unique wine evenings with a diverse program.

  • Tastings of premium wines from Styrian wine cellars.
  • Expert guidance from experienced sommeliers.
  • Discovering stories and legends about the oldest vine in the world.
  • Enjoyable gatherings in the beautiful ambiance of the Cultural Quarter Minoriti.

Don't miss out on wine evenings at the Minoriti location!

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