Alja Horvat / Idyll

Illustrator and designer Alja Horvat showcases her Idyll series of illustrations at the UGM Šop.
The 1960s and 1970s, museums, and places in nature where one may simply relax are sources of inspiration for the artist Alja Horvat. Her stylised floral and vegetal designs, which convey the sensation of a gentle breeze and bright, translucent light, are what distinguishes her creations for apparel, paintings, and other useful items. In both indoor and outdoor settings, women frequently stand, sit, or kneel. She combines photographs of various women—fair-haired and dark-haired, black-skinned and fair-skinned—to subtly discuss diversity. The woman appears alone in the paintings, occasionally together with other women, or partnered with a man, and often accompanied by an animal. She may be holding a book or a cell phone in addition to the potted plant. She appears to be gazing within when in the idyllic spaces of nature, gardens, or opulent chambers with floral wallpaper or bedspreads. We wonder if her inner world is a mirror of the outside world or if it is something quite different.
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