Vojko Štuhec / Sculptor

The exhibition highlights Vojko Štuhec's distinct periods of work, emphasises the relationship between sculpture and drawing, and showcases his many sculptural approaches.
24 August—6 October 2024 curator: Andreja Borin Vojko Štuhec was always receptive to a variety of sculptural techniques: chiselling, carving, modelling, casting, patination, welding, etc. He was a restless seeker who did not remain committed to the fields he had already conquered. Most likely for this reason, he repeatedly decided to take up new themes, materials, and approaches. He has created both intimate-format and large-scale sculptures. The potential for public sculpture is present in many of the artist's sculptures; yet, not many public commissions or initiatives from the milieu were at hand, therefore the sculptor had to find his own creative challenges. Vojko Štuhec's contributions have made a noticeable impact on Maribor and the wider Slovenian region. His work is part of the broader trend of 1970s–1980s Slovenian contemporary sculpture, which promoted the use of new expressive possibilities and the liberation of sculptural form.
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