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Rudolf Maister in illustrations by Ejti Štih

UGM joins the Maribor Day and the commemoration of the general and poet Rudolf Maister with an exhibition of original illustrations by Ejti Štih for the book Rudolf and Vojko, published by Pivec Publishing House.
curator: Andreja Borin The book by Katarina Mahnič and Alenka Juvan has an interesting title: Rudolf and Vojko: Or How Maister Defended Slovene Maribor in 47 Minutes. The story revolves around Rudolf and his horse Vojko, the key characters in the venture that occurred early on November 23, 1918, when General Maister's soldiers disarmed the German-established Green Guard in Slovene Styria. Ejti Štih created the illustrations in mixed media. She employed opaque colours, wax pastels, and, in some cases, collage. She painted the scene first, then incised the drawing into the painting. Thus, she acquired visual dynamics and multifacetedness. Ejti Štih's paintings feature vibrant colours, figurative motifs, references to current events, and critique of power institutions. She is fascinated by the stories of everyday people, immersed in the realities of this world, which she recounts with tenderness and emotional involvement.