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Exhibition Mladen Stropnik x Jurij Hartman x Stojan Knežević: SU PE RI CA

Exhibition opening and performance
Mladen Stropnik's art skilfully avoids classification and limitation. Observing his work, one realises that this is not a deliberate artistic stance, but the spontaneous result of putting focus on a refined idea that is prioritised over execution and material. Over the years, the artist has noticed a few key starting points in his oeuvre, which can be understood as the pillars of his work: repetition, sexuality, (in)visible, desire. In the case of SU PE RI CA, these are reflected in the focus on the representation of the empty, the simple and the spontaneous - the instantaneous natural occurrence of everyday objects and actions, situated in the transient gallery space. Mladen Stropnik's exhibited works carry a general reference to clothing, sewing and the relationship between textiles and the human being. The artist pays attention that is usually lost in our everyday attitude to clothing. Stropnik invited Jurij Hartman and Stojan Knežević to exhibit alongside him.