Šivilja in škarjice
Dragotin Kette / 35 min
- Directress and author of the adaptation Tatjana Peršuh
- Performers Barbara Jamšek and Uroš Kaurin
- Visual and costume designer Dajana Ljubičić
- Dramaturge Anja Pirnat
- Lighting designer David Orešič
- Sound designer Timotej Vidovič / Andi Gal
- Composer Borut Mori
- Speech advisor Metka Damjan
- Lighting technician Gašper Bohinec
- Set design technologist Lucijan Jošt
- Puppet technologists Primož Mihevc and Dajana Ljubičić
- Puppet and props makers Dajana Ljubičić, Darka Erdelji, Mojca Bernjak, Primož Mihevc and Sabina Hvastja
- Costume manufacturer Mojca Bernjak
- Set makers Lucijan Jošt, Primož Mihevc and Branko Caserman
- Scene-stage master Svetlana Maloić
- Musicians Gorazd Strlič (cello) and Peter Kuhar (violin)
The magical scissors, that help good seamstress Bogdanka and destroy the wealth of the wicked countess, come to life in front of the audience. And a castle, trees and a forest emerge from the fabric. Bogdanka, a rag doll, tells us about the eternal coexistence of goodness and wickedness. But in fairy tales goodness eventually always rules the day. By interweaving dreamlike images to Dragotin Kette's most famous work for children we also present some of the author’s beautiful poetry.