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Küšni me

60. Festival Borštnikovo srečanje: Küšni me at Velika dvorana

Who Invites Whom?

In the villages of Prekmurje, the arrival of the pozvačin – a special herald who knocks on the door of a four-cornered house – means only one thing: a wedding is being prepared. His role is to invite all the villagers to a celebration where two people will join their lives. The author sees a parallel between himself and this figure, and places it next to his own identity. Although there may seem to be a gulf between Slovenian folklore and modern expressions of personal freedom, the performance explores where they intersect. This is most clearly seen in the author's many "firsts," revealing the intertwining of the heritage he was raised in and the queer nightlife culture that gave him room to grow.

Küšni me is a love letter to traditions both old and emerging, coexisting in the author's world and our shared space. In a time that constantly pushes us to choose whose wedding table we'll sit at, this performance emphasizes the importance of personal choice and belonging.


  • Presale price: €10
  • Regular price: €12


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