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Just One More Sleep

60. Festival Borštnikovo srečanje: Just One More Sleep at the Fran Žižek Hall

The Unstoppable Power of Hope

The performance Just One More Sleep draws upon a childlike belief in promises, expectations, and the immense longing for tomorrow – that tomorrow which will surely be better, more beautiful, and easier than today. Whatever hurts us today can be healed tomorrow. Whatever breaks today can be fixed tomorrow. What we lose might be found again by tomorrow. The performance embodies the unstoppable power of hope that defies the weight of everyday life – but also reveals how this very hope can trap us in endlessly postponing life into the future.

As we gaze toward the horizon, waiting for a new dawn, we often overlook the moment happening here and now. We don’t know how to pause, to breathe, to look around, to stop in the present and truly feel it. Our entire past is woven from small decisions – deliberate or accidental – that have shaped our present and paved the way for tomorrow.


  • Presale price: €10
  • Regular price: €12


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