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Online Exhibition Ženske Maribora

Online Exhibition Ženske Maribora

Maja Modrinjak: Ženske Maribora

March 8 is a day to celebrate women’s equality. It serves as a reminder that the fight for gender equality and women’s rights requires great effort and is still far from reaching its ultimate goals. Women continue to face the reality that many of their achievements in work, careers, and everyday life are often met with doubt and the need for justification.

The women portrayed in the exhibition "Women of Maribor" by photographer Maja Modrinjak take a stand against this and express their passion for the work they do.

This exhibition brings a refreshing change in the narrative of women's emancipation, as it depicts successful women of Maribor in their professional environments. The goal is to highlight their profiles within their fields, showcasing achievements as a reflection of education, talent, and perseverance. Through their work and the various positions of influence they hold, the exhibition emphasizes the freedom to explore one’s profession, knowledge, art, and self-expression.

The professions of the women featured in the portraits vary widely—among them are designers, artists, journalists, dancers, and others.

The exhibition echoes the words of poet Adrienne Rich, who emphasized the importance of taking responsibility for oneself:
"Taking responsibility for oneself means refusing to let others think or speak for you. It means learning to respect and use your own instincts."

This idea applies directly to the women in the exhibition. The photographer has captured them in proud, confident poses, reflecting their professional calling and the legacy they have built through effort and dedication in Maribor.

Alongside their individual successes, the exhibition also highlights a silent expression of support and solidarity among women. Maja Modrinjak has found and showcased women and girls who, each in their own way, embody strength and independence through their professions. They carry this spirit forward, inspiring future generations.

Rebeka Tašič, B.A. in Art History

Suzana Rengeo, vodja moške krojačnice SNG Maribor in kostumografinja

Andreja Japelj, oblikovalka notranje opreme

Maša Merc, podjetnica in model

Ljubica Haler Matović, tajnica, in Dubravka Matović, likovna pedagoginja

Tina Dobaj, koreografinja, plesalka in plesna pedagoginja

Vlasta Zorko Tihec, kiparka

Sandra Štefanec, dancehall plesalka in pedagoginja

Petra Skok, novinarka za kulturo na TV Maribor

Julija Beršnjak, prodajalka v Ropotarnici in tajnica društva Aktiviraj se

Jasmina Granduč, umetnica, vodja likovne šole, oblikovalka

Milena Pivec, odgovorna urednica Založbe Pivec in Zala Stanonik, direktorica Založbe Pivec

Bojana Kovačič Zemljič, oblikovalka unikatnega nakita

Lia Pozvek, podjetnica in nekdanji model

Tanja Cvitko, kulturna producentka, avtorica radijskih oddaj, napovedovalka

Alenka Golubič, trgovska potnica, ekonomistka, vodja prodaje

Sara Jagodič »Stacey«, novinarka in glasbenica

Simona Videnšek, fizioterapevtka

Andreja Šraj, koreografinja, plesalka in plesna pedagoginja

Neža Dapčevič, modna oblikovalka

Maja Modrinjak, fotografinja in snemalka

Welcome to the Photographic Museum Maribor

The exhibition presented above was on display last year at the Photographic Museum Maribor, where photographer Maja Modrinjak captured 20 women who, through their work and dedication, help shape the identity of the city.

This year, it returns with new faces—you are invited to visit the exhibition under the same title but with fresh stories! Their portraits depict them in their workplaces, professions, and vocations, carrying a powerful message of equality.



Exhibition Opening: March 8, 2025, at 6:00 PM at the Photographic Museum Maribor
On display until: X

Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday:
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
12:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Location: Koroška cesta 19, Maribor, Slovenia

Free admission

About the Photographer

After completing the Secondary School of Design and Photography in Ljubljana, Maja Modrinjak graduated in RTV Production at FERI in Maribor. She then continued her studies and earned a degree in Photography at the Srečko Kosovel College in Sežana. She gained additional knowledge and experience in Barcelona and Madrid, as well as through extensive travels.

She has been a member of Fotoklub Maribor since 2015, and since 2023, she has also been the head of Fotogalerija Stolp.

Maja started photographing at a young age. She was introduced to visual arts by her mother, a painter, and under her father's guidance, she discovered the world of photographic art. She had big shoes to fill, as her father, Dragiša Modrinjak, was a well-known Maribor photojournalist and fine art photographer. He was her first mentor and remains her role model.

With her refined sense and developing talent, she follows her father’s high photographic standards and precision, while also incorporating spontaneity in her creative approach to subjects.

Her themes are highly diverse. She has presented her work at solo and group exhibitions both in Slovenia and abroad.