Jure Lipuš worked as the mail courier at Paloma, but this was only his "day job". Jurček's true calling was to make sure that everything was in order in the town.
He loved Maribor immensely and was present at all major events and whenever his "assistance and supervision" were required. However, it was the Lent Festival where Jurček left his deepest mark. He was the »mascot« of the festival and its unofficial "boss". One year he even "formally" closed the event. Standing on the stage and speaking into a microphone in his hand, he complimented all the present for their effort and declared the festival closed. He then told the audience to go home as »it was getting quite late«.
Jurček's life ended tragically and far too early. On 12 October 1995, he was hit on a pedestrian crossing at the Maistrova and Cankarjeva Street intersection by a speeding driver. The seriously injured Jurček fought for his life for ten days in the Maribor hospital, but the trauma he suffered eventually proved too much for the 46-year old Jurij Lipuš. On 23 October, the last page of the Večer newspaper read: "Jurček has died". The headline touched every single Mariborian who had ever met that little man with a huge heart.

Dravska ulica 9 (on Lent)
2000 Maribor