Bench no. 1: Book exchange - living chain

Bench no. 1: Book exchange - living chain

The living chain was the first of the benches that we know today under the project Stories of Benches and People

The first unique artistic bench, the Living Chain - book exchange, was created in response to a desire for a book exchange, which was later linked to a wonderful story from 1988. The message of the Living Chain is based on an event when the Maribor University Library (UKM) moved its materials from its old library to a new one by passing books from hand to hand.

The basic slatted design and shape of the bench represent a book being opened and read. The bench is a space for exchanging words, opinions, and ideas, and is also a book exchange - it has bookshelves on the side for this purpose. As it is placed at the entrance to the popular multipurpose reading room "Čuk", it aesthetically enhances the social space for users of this reading room and all passers-by. At the same time, functionally and socially it enables people to connect.

It is the work of Nejc Brezovšek and can be found in front of the ČUK reading room at the Maribor University Library.

Nejc studied at the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Ljubljana and the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. Since 2005 he has been working as a versatile industrial designer in Maribor. His motto is to find the best solution for any problem.

  • Artist: Nejc Brezovšek, univ. dipl. ind. obl.
  • Location: Maribor University Library
  • Material: wood - Siberian larch
  • Opening: 26 May 2015
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