Bench no. 4: Women's bench

Bench no. 4: Women's bench

Metal lace memorializing women accused of witchcraft

The women's bench carries the story of the times of the inquisition and the witch trials. 

In the 16th century, many women were accused of witchcraft and murdered as a result. The cruelty and violence of that time are still deeply rooted in the consciousness of many generations and human societies, despite the passage of time.

In their memory, a metal lacework adorns the bench, which is located in front of the Judgment Tower on Lent due to its connection to the story.

Sculptor Metka Kavčič graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Ljubljana under Professor Slavko Tihc and completed her specialization in conservation and restoration under Professor Franc Kokalj. She further developed her expertise at the Ecole Nationale Superrieure des Beaux-arts in Paris.

  • Artist: Metka Kavčič, academic sculptor
  • Location: Judgment Tower Maribor (GPS: N46° 33.406' E015° 38.482')
  • Material: Metal, wood, bronze
  • Opening date: November 13, 2015
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