Bench no. 6: We

Bench no. 6: We

Contrasts intertwine, the couple becomes more than a pair

Academic sculptor Dr. Marjan Drev is the creator of the unique artistic benches named "We" or "The two of us" which form a complete unit. One bench features soft curves, contrasting with the angular bends of the other.

Drev based his work on the idea that every sculptural form can have a complementary counterpart, creating a harmonious whole. The bench with soft curves contrasts with the one with angular turns, symbolizing the intertwining of different elements into one, conveying the message "A pair is more than just two."

Dr. Marjan Drev, an academic sculptor, has created public sculptures and monuments, including those of Bishop A. M. Slomšek in Maribor and Lendava, St. Stephen in Teharje, and Dr. Lojze Kozar in Odranci. He has designed several stone fountains, works with ceramics, and teaches.

  • Author: Dr. Marjan Drev, academic sculptor
  • Location: Slomškov trg, Maribor (GPS: N46° 33.551' E015° 38.656')
  • Material: Marble
  • Inauguration: April 5, 2016
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