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Botanical Garden Tal 2000

Botanical Garden Tal 2000

Biggest collection of aquatic plants in Slovenia

Enjoy the positive energy of the rich flora

TAL 2000 is a smallish private botanical garden, which is located south of Maribor in the settlement of Zgornja Gorica, between Rače and Pragersko.

Take a look at…

… the largest collection of growing (wild) aquatic and waterside plants in Slovenia. You will not find anywhere else in Slovenia with such a diverse collection of aquatic plants. Among them are quite rare, endangered species, some of which already disappeared from our marshlands, ponds, and swamp meadows years ago. On view are also a collection of poisonous plants, and a smallish collection of minerals.

Among the aquatic plants you can admire quite rare species such as the White Water lily, Four-leafed Swamp grass, Laxmann Reed Mace, Frogbit, Nutmeg, and Water violet … We are especially proud of two extremely rare water ferns: Schimmfarn and Water Clover.

Poisonous species are represented by autochthon plants and also by species that were brought to our garden – most frequently as decorative plants. Among the first belong: Deadly Nightshade, Black Hellebore, Black Hyoscyamus, Polygonatum, Conium maculatum and others. As decorative species the following were brought here: Caucasian Heracleum, Ricinus communis, and poisonous Sumach...

Visitors can also look at some medicinal herbs and can purchase aquatic, waterside and decorative plants to take home.  In the botanical garden there are also bioenergetic points.

Interesting and educational

We especially recommend school visits to Tal 2000 for natural science days and natural science excursions.

Working hours

  • Open for individuals from May to the beginning of October on Sundays from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. In case of bad weather, the garden is closed. For groups of 10 persons or more, the garden is open from April to October, seven days a week (by prior arrangement!) Contact: +386 41 572 385
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