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Bistriški Šum Waterfall

Bistriški Šum Waterfall

A pleasant sound of water coming down the hillside

Enjoy the dance of water drops, slopes and currents!

On Pohorje numerous streams, brooks and waterfalls will catch you attention. Enjoy in the dance of water, slopes and currents!

Among Pohorje's flowing waters the Bistrica stream in the Slovenska Bistrica part of Pohorje is extremely interesting. In its gorge there are numerous rapids and three waterfalls. The largest waterfall is the Bistriški Šum Waterfall at Zgornja Nova vas (it is about 15 m high), which is not a waterfall in the real sense of the word, as the water slides over the hill more than it falls. However, it gives the feeling of being a real waterfall! The natural heritage to be found in the Bistrica Gorge is well worth visiting, including the Roman marble quarry located at beginning of the gorge.

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